Protein Folding and Neurodegeneration: Biophysics to the Rescue?
oligomerize and polymerize out of lipid environment, to self- and cross-associate (Koudinov et al., 1998
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oligomerize and polymerize out of lipid environment, to self- and cross-associate (Koudinov et al., 1998
knocking down (Mokas et al., 2009) or inhibiting (Kedersha et al., 1999) key translation factors, or by
levels of synaptic vesicle proteins (Martinez et al., 1998; Pozzo-Miller et al., 1999), demonstrating
dementia patient. The Neurologist, 1997. 3: p. 13-30. 2. Strittmatter, W.J., et al., Apolipoprotein E:
vascular disease from the diagnosis (McKhann et al., 1984), while vascular dementia was considered
reflect Alzheimer’s disease in the brain (see review by Toledo et al., 2013). Attempts to correlate other
organelles that store mRNAs and related proteins (Gilks et al., 2004; Decker et al., 2007). These organelles
atrophy (see Higuchi et al., 2012). While this seemed plausible at the time, crossing NL-F mice with
this approach to identify molecular modules that might contribute to metabolic syndrome (Chen et al.,
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